About Us
MTC ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT LTD, incorporated under the companies and allied matters ACT 1990 in 2010, is a team of experienced, thoroughbred Quality Management Systems, Occupational Health Safety and Environmental care (HSE) consultants, Trainers and Auditors .
The company was established to help organizations build a virile and result oriented Quality , Safety and Sustainability platforms toward the realization of corporate goals among all the stakeholders. Our Team of qualified, highly experienced and widely travelled consultants have undertaken various projects, trainings, audits including several third party (3P) and Supplier audits, Management System Developments and certifications ( ISO 9001, OHSAS 18001, ISO 14001, FSSC 22000 etc), in various organisations.
MTC has no manufacturing, trading or financial interests which could compromise its independence.
Its guarantee of independence, its reputation for professionalism, integrity and impartiality, as well
as its international network, place MTC in a vantage position.

Our Goal
To be the foremost Safety, Quality and Sustainability capability building company in Africa
To build good corporate reputation for our clients in the field of Quality Health Safety and Environmental Care (QHSE), develop a strong customer base through professionalism and value added service delivery that will help us expand our activities across Africa.
Essentializing and ensuring Safety, Quality and sustainability in the work place and among all stakeholders.
Scope of Work
Our Specializations are Occupational Health and Safety, Environmental Care Management Systems, Quality Management Systems. Behavioural Safety, Process Safety Management, Corporate social responsibility (CSR), community relations, stakeholder planning and engagement, Facility Management services, Waste Management and supplies and distribution of high quality facility and Safety Equipments.
Delivering the Best Safety Solutions to Our Clients
Our Team